Anyway. it's really wonderfull to be here It's so nice to meet the women That watch them and vote on them I think that dusk channel is such a great concept I think the most rewarding...
Hey, what are you doing man? Look, I'm throwing away the trash. Why don't you throw it in the trash can? I wanted to, but the trash can is over there. That'll stay there for...
Hi. I’m Famke from Ghent in Belgium. I think everyone has the right to move freely and to travel. But what I find strange is that it’s often more expensive to travel in an ecological way, especially...



Hell, I know to find where in Amsterdam TAXIDRIVERS Really! I am ashamed of some taxidrivers in Amsterdam Seen it with my own eyes Old people don't taken with cause the trip is to short...



03 Tolmin Gorge by TravelPod member mrconfused 02 Tolmin Gorge by TravelPod member mrconfused Lets go to the store and buy some better shoes by TravelPod member joergenmaria 9:05am in Italy passing...



Hee ik ben inmiddels weer terug van Curacao en, uhm, ik had gezegd dat ik misschien een shoplog wilde opnemen en er kwamen heel veel leuke reacties op en ik doe eigenlijk bijna nooit shoplogs want ja,...
Taupo by TravelPod member helium803 Taupo by TravelPod member helium803 Taupo by TravelPod member helium803 Taupo by TravelPod member helium803 Taupo by TravelPod member helium803 Taupo by TravelPod...
actually it started with a crazy idea at a neighbor with a glass of wine he told me I had in my life always want to build an airplane and I said to him build a plane is not possible? yes he says, as...



>>Sergey Brin: Hey, Vic, I’ve got a really cool event for you. >>Vic Gundotra: Sergey! [ Cheers and applause ] >>Sergey Brin: How are you doing?...



[MUSIC] FELICIA DAY: Hey everybody. Welcome back to The Flog. I'm Felicia Day, and as always, this is my show. In this week's segment, we explore a traumatic part of my childhood with...