Vintage bicycle racing

It was a really good experience for me being out there and such great crowd and gave me goose bumps riding around there. Coming into the pointing end of the race I was just really fighting for...
Probably the most common piece of safety equipment that your going to find BMX riders using is a good helmet most commonly used is a skateboard style helmet this particular model by Protec is what...
If you watch where my weight is distribute over my feet you would notice that basically I have a nice neutral riding position over the bike while I'm riding fakie. This is absolutely essential...
Pretty much the biggest problem that people have when there jumping is they tend to tense up and start looking at something they shouldn't be looking at. Basically when your jumping you have...
Hi, this is David, back with Expert Village, and next I'm going to show you how to adjust a chain. To do this you're going to need a special tool that you can buy online or at a bike...
Hey, this is Jeff, the Two Wheeler Dealer. I'm going to show you how to adjust the angle of your handlebars. This is done with typically two five millimeter allen screws. Just going to loosen...
Hi, this is Jeff from the Two Wheeler Dealer, and I'm going to talk to you about how to convert a bike to a fixed gear. Fixed gear basically is where you have one single speed that does not...
We also want to make sure that the height of our derailer when we are shifting to the smallest chambering is we have clearance to shift up and down, nothing hits. We are parallel with the chambering;...
Hello, this is Russ with the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective. Also here on behalf of Expert Village. Today, I'm going to show you how to adjust a regular caliper style brake. In a previous...
Hello, this is Russ with the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective. Online at Also here on behalf of Expert Village and I'm going to show you how to remove a thread less...