Hello, my name Hiu on behalf of Expert Village, I'm going to show several quick and easy Vietnamese dishes. For Vietnamese sour soup, first we need 1 tablespoon of tamarind soup paste or...
Hello, my name is Hui on behalf of Expert Village, I'm here to show you several quick and easy Vietnamese dishes. For this dish, first we would need 12 ounces of skinless, boneless chicken...
Suddenly I feel so empty and broken inside All my hopes and dreams have vanished As I see someone walking by your side Holding hands, your lips smile in happiness Days and months go by and I continue...
>> Narrator: A new book by Asian American Studies Professor Isabelle Thuy Pelaud, is the first to provide a psychological, historical, social and cultural context for Vietnamese American...



Huy Long Nguyen: Some of my favourite memories of studying at a New South Wales government school include the English and all the subjects I studied there We could do hands on experiments in Biology...



The story of the Sun starts 13 billion years ago with the Big Bang. [loud explosion] In an instant, the universe was born. And since then, it's been expanding at the speed of light. Within the...
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Thuy Vi Dao: The most important part of studying in a New South Wales government school is the welcoming and the accepting attitude I received from my school, my teachers and schoolmates. My future...



Hello, my name is Hui on behalf of Expert Village, I'm here to show you several quick and easy Vietnamese dishes. To cook the rice noodles we need a separate pot of water and let it boil. Then...
Hello everybody!!! My name is Kid Welcome to Let's play: Idolm@ster 2! In this Let's play: I will try to show you how to play and also try to translate anything i can so you can easily...

