Hay lléname de luz y de tu aliento porque sin ti yo me muero por dentro Y estar cerca de ti me acostumbrado y ya no puedo seguir sin ti a mi lado Cuando te necesitaba llorando desesperada me...



"Michael Legion" Un productor de música que ofrece originales Beats en instrumentales tales como: Hip-Hop, Reggaeton, Merengue y entre otros. Para aquellos artistas que necesitan...



[Intro Musical] Tanto tiempo, ha pasado, arrepentido estoy de haberte dejado pero el pasado en el pasado quedó Tantos momentos, que viví contigo, Es lo que me hace dudar, no sé distinguir si esto...



Espero que todo lo que diga pueda ser utilizado en mi defensa que Dios este conmigo en tu conciencia y puedas perdonarme yo no quise besarte de repente lo siento quise saber si me mirabas diferente al...



March 4 times. Open right, now left. March. Hips Go! Now, March forward. Look the hips. Hips, hips, hips. Now cross the legs to the front. And watch the arms. Put them up. And mark 2 steps. 2 Stay,...
Hi Everyone, So this my pre protest video and I'm about to leave to go to the protest for the student movement in Chile and I'm kinda nervous because One, I hope that I can get the...
JFIF XICC_PROFILE HLino mntrRGB XYZ acspMSFT IEC sRGB -HP cprt 3desc lwtpt bkpt rXYZ gXYZ bXYZ dmnd pdmdd vued view $lumi meas $tech rTRC gTRC bTRC text Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company desc...
1, 2, 3 I can see what´s in your eyes with just looking that you´re tired of walking and walking in circles all the time. i know that windows can be opened, change the course of the wind depends on...
Walking the Cliff Tops, Miraflores by TravelPod member tonipercy Ocean View from Miraflores by TravelPod member tonipercy Love Park in Miraflores by TravelPod member tonipercy Love Park by TravelPod...
Hi! This is Navy and I'm going to answer Melissa's questions! Well..they're 15 questions about U-KISS and it would be great if you answer them too! So.. let's start!...