All theories are over You know the day has come When history has to be rewritten And everything will change. The stopwatch is at zero The entire world shudders And only a heart of steel will reach the...



By this video we highlight the most relevant aspects of the curriculum of Cristian Estévez. The employment that has been asked is related with the translation. The professional experience is...
They took blood work. They did a chest x-ray later on that day, that Sunday. And then, they also did, right away, a nasal swab, which almost made me cry. Like I mentioned the skin test, they did the...
vamos a cantar una cancioncita, por parte de Basilio de Jesus Garcia Morales. Aqui en Condega vamos a cantar una cancioncita que es compuesta mia por parte mia. se llama el cerro del aguacate, es la...



No conozco a la persona extraña...Mahmud Darwish No conozco a la persona extraña... Ni sus hazañas... Vi un funeral y camine detrás del ataúd... Como los demás... Inclinando la cabeza......



For two hours he left our world But miraculously he's today singing to life This is the story of Marzu who received three bullet shots but survived to tell and sing his story He is a young...



RENATO PORTAL influenciar sobre el hemisferio derecho de nuestro cerebro la imaginación la intuición la percepción (extrasensorial) y otras facultades psíquicas "IMAGINANDO EL...



Puca Bull. Red Bull This story is a free interpretation of some andean myths about the bull. It is told that god came down from heaven and created a red bull. The people saw the bull passing by and...
George Wassouf canta una parte de la canción "Pasado Vuelve" del cantante egipcio Abdal Halim Hafid Años ¡Oh aquellos años! Cualquier lágrima de tristeza, no, no, no, no Cualquier...



Hello, my name is Adriana Diaz Marrero and then comment briefly some of the various activities I have done during this course in the subject of IT applied to translation and interpretation in the...

