Sitting in a corner all alone, staring from the bottom of his soul, watching the night come in from the window, window... It'll all collapse tonight, the fullmoon is here again! In sickness...
I'm bored and hungry. Shh... We're told to wait, we wait. She'll show up... eventually. [knock] Hey, any word from Sarah about babysitting tomorrow? [sigh] But it's...
- This is the unholiest abandoned veterinary hospital I've ever seen. I'd put the chances of seeing Canus Spectralis-- ghost dog--at total max. [Glass shattering] Somebody's...
COMMUNITY CHURCH THE END HAS COME <i>Anther day to live trough. Better get started. </i> THE LAST MAN ON EARTH DECEMBER, 1965 <i> Is that all it has been...
A while back I got a new job and to celebrate my first paycheck in 6 months, I bought myself a PSP - partly due to the 2 hour back-and-forth train commute, but also because I wanted a games device...
So what's in your bag? Money... or drugs? It's not anything like that. What is it then? It's just stuff...just spare parts. Bullshit! Obviously, I've been...
ERICA: What is your problem, Vince? I haven't seen you for 3 months and "The Rise" is upon us! We've got work to do! ERICA: She's one of "The...
Welcome to the Ac News! Here is the trailer of Stake Land, today’s news is coming up. Jim Mickle directs this indie horror set in a not too distant future. America is a nation torn by economic crisis...



If God is everywhere all the time then why can't we just do this at noon? like... can't I just go get a coffee? and a bowl of cereal? Anyway, I just think that when God was decreeing...