G'day. I'm Adam Collings. Welcome to stories. I'm kicking off the new year by talking about Amish Vampires in Space by Kerry Nietz. Now at first glance, with a title like this,...
This stop is Dunjeon, Dunjeon Station. Bopyeong, Gojin, Stadium Complex·Songdam College Station Gimryangjang, Gimryangjang, Myeongji Univ. Station. The doors are (X2) on your right. City Hall City...
Hi Internet Bob Mills here, your OUYA games guy. Back again to share some cool games withya. Since we are coming up on a special day for America, I thought we could get patriotic, and do a Canada vs....
e-cigarettes they are was there a booming industry and yesterday we spoke to the chief executive of a company that makes those electronic cigarette you can see him trying one on the set yesterday well...
Hi, I'm James Johnson, Product Manager at ComponentOne. Welcome to the next video in this short series on Fixed Page Layout in ActiveReports 7.   A powerful concept in FPL reports deals with...



"ok glass" Say The Right Thing Hey, how are ya? Can I get a latte to go please? You know, you have a really nice smile? Hey wait! Wait! Your Magazine. Hey Mr. Stephens, you wanted to...
Welcome to week four of Module 11. During week three we shifted our focus from personal values to values and ethics in organizations. We looked at how values work within organizations. "Make...
There is a surprising amount of room in the back seats. For reference, I'm 5ft 9in. The seat at the front is adjusted for someone of my height. The car is extremely quiet. All you hear is...
Lil J on the beat cuz. G-o-d-f-e-ll-ow. Word. I know and I know Turn up/ Burn up.I know. Burn Up./Word I know. Word. I know. I know. that's its not over. Lets Go. My two blunts. My two blunts....
We were studying the bible, of course, James 2 tells you how you should take care of people. So, that's how this got started. I'm alright, haven't seen you in a long time....