Timing and Targets The conspirators’ selection of both the date and the targets for the attacks provides another opportunity to examine the plot from within. Although Atta enjoyed wide discretion as...
on somebody called and said monied interests being the federalist papers is then to that issue no farmer uh... federalist number ten which i a court of many many times in this program i don't...
a radio show ironically named true news with Rick Wiles had on Eric steckel back have the Christian Broadcasting Network and they have figured out exactly what's going on in america today and...
What I think US needs to do now is to look very harshly and coldly at changes that are going on in the world. The most powerful truth to come out of the last 10 years is the relative ineffectiveness...



democratic representative rush Holt of New Jersey is also running for Senate and he released this great little YouTube video that tells you everything you need to know about social security it sums it...
politicians lie and the sunrise separate morning right it's just we know this happens with politicians in their bodies we all know that it happened s and yet it's just an deep truth...



a Russian LGBT journalists vows to you out closeted politicians if the support a proposed legislation or propose law that would strip LGBT parents at their parental rights now obviously russia is...
that's absolutely untrue x brought to you by thrillers bartenders politicians on find actors sex tapes have been released and apparently the sex tapes feature than in gauging in extramarital...
In changing the Constitution and putting a new government into effect, Virginians played leading roles, as they had as far back as the American Revolution. We all remember Patrick Henry's...
Are you frustrated with the politically correct hiring practices that favor ethnic minorities and immigrants? Ever wonder who is responsible for the continual attack on our Western civilization? Do...

