Hi there, miss me? It's been a while. Getting adjusted to a new PC can do that. Anyways, to start, grab the first secret, (Shotgun) and take out these two shotgunners. Enter the first area The...



Welcome to the second episode of the Doom 2 - Epic 2 Silent LP. First, we take this shotgun secret. This level is where we will get a new weapon.One that we will love. The first thing we have to do...



Don't you ever interrupt me from World of Warcraft. I'm taking your laptop for this. Mein Fuhrer, I know I've crossed the line this time. Mein Fuhrer, we've received a...
>> GAZ: Hey guys, we've got some Doom 3 here for you. >> GAZ: It's quite dark isnt it? Is it meant to be dark? >>GAZ: How do I get my gun back...
>> DAN: If I can die somehow...I'm gonna do it. >>DAN: Before we get to 'the event'. >>GAZ: Find another pit of......



Some 95.5% of voters in Crimea have supported joining Russia, officials say, after half the votes have been counted in a disputed referendum. Crimea's leader says he will apply to join Russia...
[TheAssailant6661] MadWorld. A game for the hardcore elite. Every hardcore Wii owner has been anxiously awaiting MadWorld's release... Well, not everybody. But for those interested in a...
Good day. Multiplayer games require multiple people to have a copy of a game. Now, this may not be problematic for some, but for others, it very well may be. Let's say you are a gamer that...
If you're using Doom 3 BFG Edition backup and a patch to run it on your 3.55 firmware PS3 and get a blank black screen, don't get upset. For some reason, the backup has subfolder names...