On Thursday, elderly residents living in Staines were being rescued from their homes. Many of them had held out, preferring to stay in their houses, but with flood waters expected to rise on Friday...
Let's just pretend I uploaded this yesterday and move on, yeah? So as you've presumably noticed the world economy has been less than ideal of recent years. Times are tough, we are...
My name’s Kate Barry, I studied Law with Politics at Birmingham and qualified as a lawyer in 2004 and still am practising as a lawyer in the wonderful world of property litigation. Mainly location...
Hello, my name is Arielle Reid, in Budapest, Hungary, and I will explain to you today the allies of Great Britain. So we're looking at two particular time periods. World War one and World War...
This is believed to be the truck that a British man named Abu Suleiman used to carry out a suicide attack on the Aleppo Central Prison in Syria on 6 February 2014. The photo was tweeted out by the...
dennis campbell's whisper worldview dennis campbell every thursday dennis is editor in chief of u_k_ progressive magazine you can't also check out his need to show you two dot com...
David Pakman: Denis Campbell's Editor in Chief of "UK Progressive" Magazine, and he's here to talk to us about a recent article he wrote, "The ESPN-isation...
I guess it began on long car journeys with my dad, you know just listening to him talk about politics, about the economy; we'd get in the car and my dad would start talking and he would speak...



My study placement that I undertook was at Bilkent University in Ankara, I studied Politics and International Relations there which I do back at Aston. Bilkent University is a top rank University in...