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PETE: Lilly is a reticulated python, she's about 17 foot long. PETE: She's grown to this side over a period of six years, and has been fed moderately on jumbo rabbits every three...
VO: How can more federally funded research projects transform into viable commercial products? Teach faculty how to think like entrepreneurs. Dan O’Hair: The goals are to take an existing piece of...



Understanding the numbers When we do your free survey we'll provide you with a full breakdown of the numbers and explain everything. But for now, let's look at an example estimate to...
These are the toughest economic times we've seen for generations. Uncertainty about the future can make every day living difficult and stressful. But we can help you beat the recession....
Meet Advanced Care Paramedics; Harvey Milburn and Gayle Scott. They are two of around 90 qualified paramedics who decided on a sea change – moving family and possessions from the UK, to Queensland....



Installing solar, what happens? Electricity generating solar panels can be fitted on any structurally sound roof, planning permission is not required. Permission from your council may be required if...
back then Police registration and one including media international students so but like to tell you add what you UK international students police registration need to do and how to register with the...
Neil: I'm here in a place called Odddusuddan, which is in the Vanni, northern Sri Lanka. It's a very special day, today, for these people who are returning after many, many months in...
Go. Does your business need a video? Does the Pope have a balcony? Duh! How would you feel if you walked into a shop and there was no one there? Just some writing on the walls and a couple of...