Hello, my name is David Spencer from Twinings, and I would like to introduce you to Signature Blends. This is a very special collection of some of our finest teas and infusions, brought together by...
Hi today we are talking about tea, and now I am going to talk about Puer and what it is to be a Puer. Now Puer is sometimes in North American is referred to as Puer (poo-ar), but in Manderin...
Hi, I'm Nelson Drago with Chado Tea Room in Los Angeles on behalf of Expert Village. In this clip we will be talking about black tea from China, since China is the birthplace of black tea. We...
Hi, I'm Nelson Drago with Chado Tea Room in Los Angeles on behalf of Expert Village. In this clip we will be talking about black tea from Africa. One of our famous black teas it's...
i'm bruce richardson, tea master for the boston tea party ships and museum. by now many of you already know that over 300 chests of tea were thrown overboard in boston harbor in 1773 but what...
Welcome to this month's Tea Tasters. Now this month we're on the edge here, beautiful city of London that you can see in the background. It's an absolutely glorious day. And...
Now I'd like to say something about specific steeping instructions for Darjeeling teas. Now Darjeeling is known as the champagne of tea and it's a black tea that comes a specific part...
So I've just said that you want to stay away from bagged teas, because they are made out of fannings, which are the lowest grade particle of tea that you can buy. Its basically the leftovers...
Welcome to Twinings Tea Tasters, my name's Mark and this month as the Summer turns into Autumn here in the UK, we've got a very special tea that might warm up the heart, as the...