I bet there are a lot of ways that we're alike I know I long for my quality of life to be one where I am filled with joy and peace Where I feel an outlet for all the creative passion within me...
From George Washington's 1789 Inaugural Address, To Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Day of Infamy speech, from the mark up of the Bill of Rights, to legislation about Civil Rights, from...



Bay-C icon Yow! ListenMi ListenMi ListenMi News And we're live. Hold Hold on, you're recording? Yes! Good evening. Welcome to ListenMi news. Testament The top stories making ListenMi...
Hello everybody! Henrik here in Thailand. Hope you're all good back home. I'm OK over here, things are finally getting better. The biggest reason for that is that I've moved....
Welcome to your dashboard! This is the screen you will see when you first log in to your account. On the left side is your navigation. On the top is what's called an admin bar. Lets walk...
"Creepy..." Well, I know what you're all expecting. You want me to switch on this camera and file in with the chorus proclaiming that the fourth entry in the Thief franchise...
Steve Dotto here. I’m glad you’re taking time to join me today. Evernote users pay attention. We are going to take a look at an Evernote-powered blogging platform that’s in very late beta called...
¿Estás grabando? Espero que sí, porque no quiero repetir todo esto otra vez Hola, si, para el video de hoy voy a hablar en inglés, así que... eso es algo que va a pasar Y la verdad es que hay dos...
Yay Tutorial! Please keep in mind I may not be the best 'teacher' but I'll do my best because this was a request. First I need to show you how to create quides. Start by...
Hey guys! Just a short video because I have to leave for PE I don't want to, but what can I do? I just found one of my favourite T-Shirts, it says free hugs! I love hugs, hugs are the best...