Hi I'm Michelle and I'm here on behalf of Expert Village. We are going to learn how to knit a scarf for beginners and while we are doing that we also go over some basic tips that you...
Hi, I'm Michelle and I am here today on behalf of Expert Village. We're going to learn how to knit a scarf for beginners and while we are doing that we'll also go over some...
We’re going to talk a little bit about adding fringe to scarves, or anything else. And when I say “fringe” I mean these little yarn ends here on the bottom of this scarf. I’m only about half way...
Sara: Hi, I'm Sara from Heirloom Creations, and I have for you today the best gift that you could give to all your friends this year. It's the Cuddle Scarf and it's a very...
This is going to be the tutorial that's going to show you how to make this Angel Stitch Scarf The reason I call it that is because the stitch itself looks like stacked angels looks like this...
Okay, now we'll finish up by cutting the fringe, and tying off the top of our hat. Turn your project over like this, and have everything lying flat, and we're going to cut a three inch...
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We've cut all our fringe all the way around the pillow. Now I'll show you how to place the pillow inside and tie and finish off our fleecy, no sew pillow cover. Take you pillow form,...
Today I'm going to show you how to make a no-sew fleecy pillow. What we'll need for this project is a pillow form. A ready-made pillow form you can pick up at a fabric store or craft...