{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1250\deff0\deflang1048{\fonttbl{\f0\fscript\fprq2\fcharset238 Comic Sans MS;}{\f1\fscript\fprq2\fcharset0 Comic Sans MS;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl...
Welcome to GTS Translator, the easy way to translate your website With GTS Translator, your web page is translated online in seconds. Editing the translated content is easy. Just click anywhere on the...



Translate and Rotate are two functions that are commonly used to change the position and rotation of a game object. In this example we begin by looking at translate. You can see that the argument of...
Hello everyone. This is an overview of angular-translate So, what is angular-translate? Angular-translate is a module which makes it easy to translate applications made with AngularJS. It is a fully...
How To Use Google Translate As A Proxy To use Google Translate as a proxy, if you're being blocked from any site so you can access them, first type in the desired website. Google Translate...
Hello and here's a quick demo of SayHi Translate for iOS, version 3.5. If you've never used SayHi before, it's a very easy to use, very powerful speech translation app for iOS....
Hello friends, In this video we will learn, how to translate from English to Hindi on the internet. let's translate a few words. just open any internet browser, and type in address bar...
one2edit supports translation and localization workflows with proven and powerful features that give you flexibility in how you approach the task. Support for segmentation rules, and native...
Click on Settings and configure XUITT. Other STEPS will use the information stored here. Add your own devIcon.png, preview.png. Enter your name, choose your language. Choose a default folder Use the...
4.7a: Percents as proportions and applications - translate and solve Percent proportions can be translated as long as you remember a little formula. This formula is simply written as...

