Hi, I'm Andreas and this is 2MinutePsychology. I will give you a quick introduction to the Big Five personality model which is the world's leading personality theory measured in number...
Working in teams has become the norm in work environments today. Some reports indicate that as much as eighty percent of U.S. organizations utilize teams to some degree. But what exactly is a team?...
I think one area of self-improvement that's a little bit overlooked is sleep -- getting more sleep. I think people think they want to get more sleep in the abstract but they simply just...
For centuries scientists and especially physicists have believed that we would be able to show why our universe is as it is as a necessary consequence of certain fundamental principles and laws. Like...
I'm tempted to say smart, creative people have no particularly different set of character traits than the rest of us except for being smart and creative, and those being character traits....
The first rule of microresolutions is it's easy. You absolutely have the power to keep it. And why do you have the power to keep it? It's reasonable, it's limited and you know...
The idea behind a microresolution is that it is a small and targeted behavioral change that you can actually sustain forever. In that sense it's sort of an anti-New Year's resolution....
Once you've got your resolution and you think you've got your resolution aligned with all the principles, you want to try it out. You know, you're gonna take it for a test...