<b>Allah je Najveći! Allah je Najveći!</b> <b>Allah je Najveći! Allah je Najveći!</b> U Kairu, mujezin poziva Muslimane vernike na molitvu. To...



-Who among us does not mourn the end of an empire? But I, for one, will not go quietly. I will sing the anthem of defiance that the Romans sang in the face of annihilation, a song in their native...
Imogen: Hi, I'm Imogen and I'm a process engineering student at QUT. Phillip: Hi, I'm Phillip, I'm a mechanical engineering student at QUT. Imogen: With the process...
HON JULIA GILLARD, PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA: What's great about this centre is the way that it is outreaching to students to encourage them into science... I officially declare this...
Professor Donald Kagan: Well, as we continue with our investigation of the emergence and development of the polis, we come to the polis--just to use its proper name in Greek, Lacedaemon, and that is...
With its full-gloss recycled white barrel this Mechanical Pencil is ideal where the main advertising message or logo needs to be displayed on a neutral background. Because of its low cost and its eco...



With its brushed chrome finish and high quality A.B.S. barrel The Giotto Mechanical Pencil is ideal for promotions where you want to convey classical values to your target audience. It is an excellent...



Professor Donald Kagan: For the next couple of weeks we will be examining the coming and the fighting of the Great Peloponnesian War. It's a subject that had tremendous importance for the...



Professor Donald Kagan: I think the last thing I mentioned to you was the attempted coup d'état on the part of a nobleman by the name of Cylon, who was attempting to establish a tyranny of...
It's an absolute pleasure to have the Chief Scientist here with us today. He has a very long and intimidating bio, there's a few subset of points in that bio, he was appointed as the...