Oh, hi! It's Chris for the robots pajamas You've caught me in my completely empty apartment but what we're going to have a is right you know eleven set this one is called eat...
three good go guy go show way why good this look good guys good chance to bomb what's up trains building a swimming me go along you football class soup out now i mix you can check few...
Meeting: Now SILENCE! I have figured out the answer to our "Turtle Problem"... We have the perfect weapon to destroy them Enjoy! Computer: Raph, Game Over UGHHHH This game's...
hey guys 30 Vic here and today I'm replying some outlast which is the new poorer survival game the recently came out and it's supposed to be pretty pretty scary so was hampered in...
Hi guys, it is LegoCamJam. With you today, With me today, the shellraiser 2.0 so This set has... twist came And this headband light since my camera doesn't have a flash Sorry guys, this is...
My name is Leonardo. And right now, my brothers and I are in a mass of trouble backs are up against the wall and some trashed brutality and what type of st fun stuff you don't know when cash...
This is actually how i draw my tmnt donatello aaaand alot of inspiration from the 2007 movie. Donatello ain't my favorite turtle, he's my second favorite, my favorite is Leonardo....
LOS GLITCHES DE MIKE *Subs por Juanako25/MrDonZea* Hola, aquí Hijoputa Mike de nuevo, para Cinemassacre.com... ...y hoy traigo un glitch para "TMNT", para NES. Veámoslo. Este truco...



This trick is called TMNT Cafe, and it looks like this. As you can see TMNT Cafe is really just a hop, but instead of hopping it straight up to catch it you are going to move your hand around the yoyo...



Aw yeah! Check me out dudes! Mikey's on the MOOVE!! Look out for the snake, Mikey! Jump the snake! That giant monkey's gonna squash me! AHWHHGAHGSD I'm doomed! Awh maan.. Ugh...