My name is Francie DeMun and I am speaking on behalf of Expert Village. I am a tapestry artist. So I surround myself with these and my own personal journey, I light candles and I put on music. I can...
I am Francie DeMun. I am a tapestry artist here on behalf of Expert Village. One of the beauties of this particular medium is you need very few tools. One is a canvass and again as I said before, a...
My name is Francie DeMun and I am speaking on behalf of Expert Village. I am a tapestry artist. As far as my color choice goes, I think my answer to that would be that it is completely intuitive and...
My name is Francie DeMun. I am speaking on behalf of Expert Village. I am a tapestry artist. What happens first with this bright blank canvas is and this is sort of a phenomenal I don’t have a plan....



My name is Francie DeMun. I am speaking on behalf of Expert Village. I am a tapestry artist. I am going to start talking about the Southwest Dragon because this piece has so much variety in it. Some...



אמא ,אני חושב שניתן לך 75 אחוז ונחלק את העשרים וחמש אחוז בין חמשתנו, יודה, קרובר, אני, תום והתינוק זה חמישה אחוזים לכל אחד מאיתנו. לא לא בילי, אתה מתבלבל אם יש לך עשרים וחמישה אחוז לחמישתכם זה 14%...



This tutorial will demonstrate basic searching in the Pierce library catalog. Find books, E-books, DVD's and other materials at EOU by searching the library catalog. From the Pierce Library...



"Rumor Has It" by Adele playing Rumors can help people make sense of the world. But false or inaccurate information can do more harm than good. Rumors are meant to be discussed among...

