So, you want to understand the mechanism of fever just a little bit better. My name is Mark Brinson, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Physical Medicine and Human Performance Specialist. Fever is one of...
One of the things that's important for people to understand with herbal medicine is that good herbal medicine is not so much about treating diseases, it's about treating people. A lot...
Topical Antibiotics are great to help speed healing and prevent or treat skin infections, especially after minor skin injuries. And in many DermTV episodes, I’ve mentioned other situations where they...
Calendula officinalis is an herbaceous plant belonging to the family Asteraceae. It is popularly known as pot marigold, ruddles, common marigold, garden marigold, English marigold, or Scottish...
hi this is your lined up and then be involved dot com in this segment we're going to learn about how to design and herb garden so you're garden is part of your own personality so i...
A frequently asked question by many patients are whether or not the herbs that we're prescribing to them are safe and free from things like lead and arsenic, that we hear so often that are...
ALEX KAMMERLING: OK, well, thank you very much for turning out to hear me talk. It's a real honor to be at Google. If it wasn't for Google, I think I would have had to have gone to the...
Hi. One of the things we do in Chinese herbalism is a little bit different from what people are always familiar with with herbalism. A number of people are familiar with taking echinacea for colds,...
One of the more interesting things about Chinese herbalism is all the different forms that we may actually use to ingest, or even use the herbs topically. So, one of the most common ways and the most...
Hi. Welcome to module nine which includes chapter 7 on fitness. Just as nutrition is important in our lives, being active is very important also. And leading an active lifestyle reduces our risk of...