Thummerer Winery is part of a family business, what begun in 1984. I wanted to broaden my knowledge beside what I’ve learned in school with some travelling to other countries like Austria, Italy,...
[Lotte World parade] 3:23 pm [support progression's performance] [Lotte World indoor park] [2nd ride of the day] [sad that didn't get ideal seats at the back] [dayana] k we're...
A Creepy night.. I was sailing in gigantic ocean... and a gigantic oceanwave.. came to me and I talked to it... and it was a nice guy actually... white sky... and then I saw.. some stars falling......
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Hello, I'm Tibi! I'd like to introduce myself in this video. Selfportrait I was born in 8th October 1989 in Budapest. I came to this world in the 26th week with 930g weight. Therefore,...
What's up? Welcome to a new video! Today I will show you HOW TO DRESS on dates. I see SO MANY beautiful girls either showing too much or too little, having too much bling, or too little of...
My father gave me heaven gave me earth I, the queen of heaven am I! Is there one god who can vie with me? Enlil gave me heaven gave me earth I, the queen of heaven am I! He has given me lordship He...