Iliyan Denev Nikolov – person with strong will, big soul, humanitarian, innovator, public man and a patriot! Iliyan Nikolov is born on 20th (St. Elias day) 1946 in Veliko Tarnovo. Following the old...



How much is it worth? It's not worth it. Oh, here come the cacodemons! Why is it missing all the time? Because it's "easy"... No, hit that one! That one's...



Like they say, I put the skiff in the water on the 27th at about 3:00 in the afternoon. And I went over and got aboard the Ribbage. I was sitting in there and had these red deck boots on and had a...



Right wing extremism The Night of Broken Glass, genocide, the Third Reich, Hitler, swastika, sun cross, uniforms, flags, banners... threats from a not so distant past. Few have experienced any of this...



Title, as I mentioned, "Charismatic Counterfeits: Do the modern gifts meet the biblical standard?" And that subtitle really identifies what it is that we're going to be...
Well, good afternoon. My name is Nathan Busenitz and the title of our seminar this afternoon is A Word from the Lord? Evaluating the Modern Gift of Prophecy. That subtitle really defines our goal in...
I confess I am Mohammad Reza Jalaeipour my father's side of the family is not some unknown family it is a family who opposes the despotic Pahlavi regime and faithful to the Islamic revolution...



From your birth Fear will accompany you It is more effective than a nuclear attack Fear of unemployment Fear of any God Fear of law Fear of the governments Fear of military Fear of any authority...



Capitalism generates inequality. I think that’s absolutely unquestionable. However, it can generate a lot or little inequality. Capitalism in Mexico and Brazil generates a lot of inequality,...



Hi,my name is Yu-En, my topic is lessons in life. Live it well, Don't stay in the past, Don't sit and dwell. You made a mistake But millions do, The difference is luck, They...