I feel the 4 become 5. And Im waiting waiting waiting for you to walk down the boulevard and to take me take me take me. But the moment you appear you wake me wake me wake me from the slumbers of my...



Today we're going to go over a tune written in E-flat major. And we're going to show you the E-flat major scale. And the beautiful thing about this tune, like many simple piano pieces,...
Hi Everyone! Today I'll teach you how to play your favourite song on the piano. To play your favourite song you have to use chords.A song contains a melody and chords. The melody is sung by...
Now we're going to take a look at our third chord. Our 'C' seventh which is still derived out of 'F' major, so it's the same scale, and it's...



NARRATOR - TEL: This shoot was very unique. Normally we have been able to drive in right to our location. Like Moonlight we got to drive right up to the spot where we needed to go on the salt flats....
Ci siamo? (tr: Ready?) Ok, hi Ago here and my girlfriend behind the camera. This video because the Starlight Tutorial is available. If you joined the mailing list, no actions required else, what to do...
So now we're going to go through and write down our last eight measures. And we start right here. We have D minor for two measures at the top of our bridge, D minor for two then G minor for...



(Fire rumbling, shield slamming) (Swords sheathing, explosion) (Rumbling fades out) (Rumbling fades out) (Rumbling fades out) -With me being forged in the pit of awesomeness with nothing but the...



Hi, John Aguilar again and today we are going to do another simple boogie. Remember where we were with C. Pinky finger on C which is next to two black notes. Then we are going to put our middle finger...



AL: This is what we do for You...Tube... STEVE: So the drums are like this Paul. AL: What? STEVE: How good of a driver is Paul? AL: We'll find out. STEVE: Does he have bad night vision at all?...