So today, we're going to go over some simple ideas to getting chords going so we can go through and read a real-book tune in A-flat major. Again, A-flat major has three flats, and...
Hello, I've decided to do a series of videos where I play some music and do a little bit of talking beforehand to introduce the song, and then hopefully get a little bit of feedback from you...
[Intro music] Hello. I'm Riki Gerardy. Today, Iím going to answer a few questions on cello size. [Music] Try this test to find out if it is the right size. On the D and A strings, play fourth...
- You got that... well I shouldn't say it, but that grin on your face. You know what they say. - drum-role please - Seriously?! - Are you serious?! - Seriousy?! - Seriously? - Are you lying? -...
haha heh This is uh Drive By *piano playing* *piano playing* *piano playing* *piano playing* *piano playing* uh... excuse me messing up. but uhm... *messing up? that sounds pretty good* The chorus for...



Hey, today we're going to talk about an absolutely fabulous way to practice your scales. Scales sometimes get a bad rap as being a little boring or some musicians consider them to be almost...



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ENIGMA BINARY FILE Finale(R) 2006 Copyright (c) 1987-2005 MakeMusic Inc. j FIN MAC k FIN MAC Feathers Julia muench ©2006 zx%Í`Ò þùƒ À {þÑnûŸŒ p ` ù @ÿføƒÚ ?ê Æ?\ÿà;Ïžˆÿj @ê/°ÒÏ € ž Ð à €+ Üþ» @ € ¸ Ð...
Mad indeed would I be to expect or solicit belief for the most wild narrative which I am about to tell. Yet mad am I not-and surely do I not dream. My purpose is to place before the world a series of...
JON: Yah closeups on the kick. Definitely closeups. STEVE: Well not on this we'll do a shot for it. Ok. STEVE: HEY! Hey, hey Keep it down! Boy I just don't like loud neighbors. PSST!...