Protection from a color or a category of cards confers many benefits to a creature. Coast watcher is a bird soldier that costs one blue and one colorless. It's a one one, it has flying and it...



amazing creatures & fish of the deep ocean sea [full wildlife documentary] and the ocean still holds around four in five all living things %uh much of its vast biomass lives and deaths that...
In the deepest ocean, there is no light. There is no warmth from the sun. There is immense, unimaginable pressure. But there is life. Our Top 5 Creepy Deep Sea Dwellers 5 Sea Pigs (genus Scotoplanes)...
Once the attacking creatures have been declared the defending player is faced with the choice of whether or not to block. Now it's important to note that tapped creatures, such as the...



While playing a trick on your furry friends, a spell was cast that put them all to sleep. How in the world can you wake someone up under a magic sleep spell (aside from smooching of course)? Well one...



WILLMAN: The stakes have never been higher, and the scares have never been greater. I have to make this one count. WILLMAN: Two teams have met their demise. Only three are left standing. Hold on. Hold...
Izzy: Okay, since I'm the leader, I should lead us. Let's see... there are 3 exits from the woods. And 3 paths at the start. I'm gonna go with the right path. Because the left...
Beautiful creatures by Kami Garcia and margaret stohl the middle of nowhere there were only two kinds of people in our town this stupid and the stuck my father had affectionately classified our...
Attacknids Review What more could any boy want than a fighting spider battle robot? The new Attacknids are just that, remote controlled spider robots that even blast disks or balls around 10 meters....
<i>Tomรกs.! Tomรกs.!</i> <i>Tomรกs.!</i> Please. <i>- What that is, Dr. Maia?</i> <i>- I...