Thank you Paul. And firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank ABARES for the opportunity to speak to you today. It is a privilege for me. While I understand that you represent many...
In the 1950s, the state's best college graduates were leaving North Carolina to find employment. This alarmed a group of public and private leaders, including Greensboro businessman Romeo...
Hello, My name is Bassam Alasad Director and Producer for "On the Edge" Movie My name is Nora Bajes, I'm the screenwriter for "On the Edge" Movie My name is...
Nicholas Bloom, Associate Professor of Economics at Stanford University and the Business School, explains a rare field experiment conducted between 2008 and 2010 that provided evidence that good...
>> It's great pleasure, a really great pleasure to introduce Thad Starner for Georgia Tech visiting us here in the wonderful Bay Area. [INDISTINCT] while there's sunlight...
Bobby Merritt: In Lenoir County in the recent years, well going back several years, we were mostly a textile and tobacco town. The unemployment has caused a rise in enrollment at the community college...
Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming today. My name is Eva Agoulnik and I'm this year's VIP Distinguished Speaker Series chair. Today we have Tom Gilligan the Dean of the McCombs School of...
When I start making a dress thereís so many considerations and its funny because I talk to my interns about this, about..When Iím standing in a room, staring into space, and it appears that Iím...
The company was started by my grandfather in 1910. We're manufacturers of footwear for bushwalking, motorcycle, work, safety... ROSSITER: We're probably the largest employer of...