You should be brushing your teeth at least once a day, and I'll clarify and expand on that. For your risk of gum disease there's a lot of studies that show that if you just clean your...
How can I whiten my teeth with baking soda? Mix a spoonful of baking soda with a glass of water and swish around. Or use it as a gargle. I heard there were more formal ways to whiten your teeth with...
Meet Ali. Ali loves baseball. And this is Ali's grandfather Yusuf. Every Monday, Yusuf cycles with Ali to his school. Ali loves the ride since he gets to hear a new story. Today says Yusuf to...
Of course a great way to protect your child from tooth decay is to make sure they brush them properly, start brushing when the first tooth appears. Children need supervising and help with their...
You’ve probably heard it ever since you were a kid Brush your teeth everyday so that they can remain strong and healthy. However it’s not as simple as picking up any old toothbrush from your local...
So are you interested in knowing what certain home remedies that you can use to whiten your teeth? Well, hi, my name is Michelle and I am a dental assistant with Solutionz and I am going to talk to...
0:00:01.050,0:00:08.050Teeth whitening New York determines the length they could terminating anything someone realty in any six k 0:00:08.889,0:00:13.129 you're about to learn how to widen...
it may take meat meat speak the speeches defeats the any what where content cold in the barbarian coney integral part of our carpet antarctic itni in each home and county and meat meat meat meat meat...
although I'm a general dentist my passion is implant dentistry. dental implants make up a huge portion at my practice. it's amazingly rewarding to be able to replace a tooth for a...