Vajira Dissanayake: Thank you very much. It's a pleasure to be here today, and I would like to begin by thanking the organizers for having invited me. I'm conscious I'm...
a law professor instances to watch the history well i don't talk today about the sierra cold war uh... down dot gov massive arab nationalism the suez crisis now concepts extension because for...
so now i a president or change and uh... president carter added them first president carter philosopher sellable and he said on saturday uh... i think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around...
When China hosted the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, they selected EF as the Olympic Official Language Training Supplier. For the world's most anticipated and popular sporting event, nothing was...
reunited carlin still going to hear bugatti veyron village where however fairy tale franklin looks like a friend pete needs our help let's go there's gonna be really very good talking...
You get home, load your footage, and find out it sucks! The other day, I was walking through a park. And this thought struck me... What if I just shot crap? Could I fix it? So I lifted my camera,...
today my fellow internet marketers who decided to make a quick video for you on how to make money on used to very curious topics i want to keep his videos somewhat short we're going to click...