[STATIC SOUND] DR. KEITH BLACK: Most scientists are out replicating the work of others. But a good scientist is the one that's at the tip of the spear, really trying to drive the field...



The wait is over... as we finally got a chance to watch Kim Yu-na compete in the women's figure skating event in Sochi. And she didn't disappoint... as she delivered what Michelle Kwan...
a uh... highly a lot of people are hailing this as a big big-deal and i think it's a moderately sized deal the federal reserve will take steps to bolster the economy if you believe they have...
So what's the key message your taking away from the conference today? I think for employers, I think we need to develop a narrative for employers that actually allows them to understand Social...
on the vice presidential ticket a guy who believes in so i go to being people and a guy who uh... believes in that women should have vaginal ultrasounds whether they are medically necessary and not as...
okay how to take good pictures see you just got your DSLR or maybe you're thinking about getting one or maybe you've had one for a while but you want to take your skills to the next...
Faith is the basis of Christian life. But the problem nowadays is that people don't know what faith is. The church is in trouble, you'd agree with that, wouldn't you? The...



sawadee ka, today we're going to talk about taking taxi for the cheap charlies, don't worry, in the future class we are going to do busses, but you know are not going to be meeting me,...
bjbjVwVw JEFFREY BROWN: And now a question you might not have pondered before: What can a medical center learn from an auto manufacturer? NewsHour health correspondent Betty Ann Bowser has the answer....