[Chant] [Text] Count and witness the mistakes of the (military) council. [Chant] The council that they said was good, [Chant] First mistake on the day of the Camels, [Chants] When they sent us those...
[Chants] The courageous know who they are... the cowards know who they are. The courageous are coming to the square. [Chants] The people demand the execution of the Field Marshal (Tantawi) [Chants]...
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Damascus Suburbs, January 1st, 2013 The beginning of the new year with a massacre. 3 medical operations at the same time. God is the greatest....
My heart is with you Sayed oh Sayed, Morsi will not celebrate the Eid From Aswan to Alexandria, the Muslim Brotherhood members are thugs Hey! Hey Square Where have you been all this time? With you we...
As a father and UNICEF Ambassador, I can't believe that the entire generation of Syrian children is at risk since the conflict began three years ago. Too many have witnessed and experienced...
I came today to participate with our young revolutionaries to prove to the world that Egypt has done a revolution on June 30 We have been fighting with Muslim Brotherhood rule for a year I'm...
On the 28th, the Day of Rage. Me, my daughter and my son. We would come down to Tahrir, But we wouldn't spend nights here. We would leave everyday after the curfew began. So... I want to tell...
Hello, I’m Robert and here are the headlines from PinkSixty. A London mosque has been accused of a u-turn on its promise to ban homophobic clerics. The claim comes after it was announced that...
Hi this is Tarek. On the 25th of January, 2011 We, the Egyptian youth, we took to the streets demanding and end to a 30 year dictatorship. We were met with such force that the rest of the Egyptians...
Today isn't a celebration, but rather a necessary gathering We came to announce our support to the next steps the country is going to make and in support to the army to take all necessary and...