Hi everyone, I'm Lucy Spain here to show you how to make cheerleading hair bows. The most common cheerleading hair bow is going to be a collection of two simple ribbons that you can buy at any...
Next cheer we're going to learn is Go Bobcats. These cheers are great because you can use them anytime. You can do it before the game starts, the middle of the game and at the end of the game....
We're going to go ahead and work on another offensive cheer that we're going to use when our team has the ball and they're going to score. This cheer is going to be,...
The next cheer we are going to be learning is called move that ball. This is definitely an offense cheer and we want to use it when our team has the ball because we are cheering them on to score. This...
The next cheer is a great cheer to use when you try to get your crowd motivated 'cause it gives them the opportunity to yell at and cheer with you. We're going to start out, stepping...
For tryouts, before you even begin, you're going to want to find out what that coach is looking for at your school. Whether it's an all star team or a school team, you need to find out...
The next cheer we're going to learn is a cheer that you can use when your team is playing defense. We're going to start out like this: "pull down". We're...
Hi, my name is Lucy Spain on behalf of Expert Village. Here to talk about an introduction to cheer leading. Now we are ready to learn the materials that we have in our tryouts. Now the things we are...
Hi my name is Lucy Spain on behalf of Expert Village here to talk about an introduction to cheerleading. Now we're ready to go ahead and give our best at the tryout. Now you're usually...
Hi, my name is Lucy Spain on behalf of Expert Village here to talk about an introduction to cheerleading. Now that we have the learning part of our tryouts, you are usually going to be given about 30...