(Dr. L. Dee Fink). Now...so we need to gear up in a different way, spend a lot of time learning about teaching learning. Now those books, some of them have been around for nearly 20 years, and college...
Narrator: Situation 6 --Academic Integrity. Research has shown in many cultures, helping a friend may be of higher value than avoiding cheating. Because of the importance of helping one's...
>> TEACHER: Hello Michael >> STUDENT: Hello, Lynn >> TEACHER: Let me explain what we'll be doing this evening. >> STUDENT: Okay....
Challenges for Teachers, - with Alec Couros Alec Couros -- Discusses Challenges for teachers. So, so, I think you know, if I can give you three challenges, the challenge is first of all is letting go,...
I think that academic staff should be mindful, and I'm saying should, be (how shall I say?), facilitated to be mindful that mature-age students have their own particular needs. We're...
In the School I've done a lot of teaching within the School and also within the School of Life Sciences, there's a lot of opportunity for you to be a demonstrator. In my experience,...
>> REBECKA: The kids teach me every day. They teach me about the cool new stuff, the dance moves, just let me into their world which is sometimes shut off from adults. >>...
It means well to me, well it means like reflecting on our research and interpreting our research, trying to draw conclusions from our research and just kind of noting down our experiences and trying...
Narrator: In a country built by newcomers, in the most diverse city in that country, sits Humber College. And, like Canada and Toronto, Humber is enriched by the many students who come here to study...
I believe that every child can learn, even if they come with multiple disabilities with that deafness, or they come and they are just deaf. But I think they all can learn, somehow, some way. So we...