hi I'm gonna show you how to really quickly convert your JPG to PDF first visit JPGtoPDF dot com then in three easy steps you can accomplish this first click on add files and select your files...
Hello everybody my names Warren Cass from business scene its my absolute pleasure to give a video testimonial today to James Bastable Photography. Who is by far the best photographer i have ever come...
[music] >> I own my own business, but I am also a photographer. BB Love Photos, and here's one of my business cards, and so I was thinking about opening my own store some day,...
My friend Joe. Joe Clark came from a tiny place in the mountains Cumberland Gap, Tennessee. Though he moved away young to make a living, his heart never left. And through his camera the world came to...
Chorus: Give me the green light And I'll pee all night Let's go! Verse: We see you squirming; you've got to go pee No bathroom in sight cause we're at the beach Hold on...
Analogue. To the right, isn't it? Yes, until it clicks. Until it clicks. Children who watch this won't know. Hi, I'm Melissa, On The Beat for you today, not at boring...
Neutral density grad filters, now what on earths that? neutral density means there's no colour and it is a dark filter, but the grad means it has a grodation, there's a transition half...
Have you ever seen something you thought would make a really cool interesting photo and then been a little bit disappointed when it didn't? have you spent loans the money on the best camera...