A funeral can be a really hard place to attend to, especially a loved one or somebody that you knew that was really appreciated. Hi, I'm Hazely Lopez from Hazely Academy of Refinement and...
Hey, guys what's up? This is Jacob from the Skate Barn and Skate Board Park in Hampsted, North Carolina. Today we want to talk about skate board etiquette. It's a really important...
Now I'm going to talk about Nollie 180 into Sliders. Got the Nollie 180, you land Slider, and you cross it up and you come out backwards. That's a variation of the Nollie 180 that we...
AMY VANDERBILTS COMPLETE BOOK OF ETIQUETTE A Guide to Gracious Living Who needs a book of etiquette? Everyone does. The simplest family, if it hopes to move just a little into a wider world, needs to...
The story of London is the story of a tension between tradition and modernity. It's also the story of London's greatest tailoring street, Savile Row. I'm in Gieves and Hawkes...
People jump spots or trails are something that people put a whole lot of time and work into and have a whole lot pride in usually. As much as you know if you pick up a magazine or watch a video and...