All you women out there just need a reason to dress up. And what better reason, than new years. You obviously have to look your best. Come on you're welcoming a whole new year. An LBD that is...
My name is Abby Jones and I'm talking about the process of moving into a new space and how to make that new space efficient and functional. I'm standing here outside my closet right...
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My name's Matt Harrison, I work in the Marketing, Communications and Recruitment department here at the University. So it's my job, basically, to disseminate information about applying...
Do you wanna go to prom with me? I have a date It'’s only great But all the cloths that I have are a state Me head is wrecked I need a dress So it’s time to call in the best So I get on the...
So I bought this dress, and I'm really excited because it said 'Vintage Style' so it's really nice. I don't know if you can see it all, but I think I can post a...
When a person goes to work, they should dress for the work they will do. Some workplaces have dress codes. Think about your safety as you dress for work. The latest fashions or stylish clothes will...