there is a world where one brave man had a chance to buy some tickets for Tomorrowland. he waited behind his computer before the Tomorrowland website came online, so he could buy some tickets for...
WAI CHEE DIMOCK: Last time, on Tuesday, we were talking about the use of the word "nigger" by various people-- in context, sometimes trying to be trivializing, sometimes obviously...
l'll helpyou. l told you l would. Come on. Oh, l'm so hungy l could faint. [ Sniffling ] And l've gottenyoursuit all wet. - That's all right. It's a drip-dy. -...
John, what's happening to us? I think we both know Mary. With all our technology and industrial know how we still don't have the one thing that could give us a better way of life they...
Guten morgen philadelphia by TravelPod member stvoontour Independence hall by TravelPod member stvoontour Heilige hallen by TravelPod member stvoontour Assembly hall by TravelPod member stvoontour...



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang4105{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 'Darling do you love me enough for me to let...
You are the air I breath. You’re the food I eat. In every cell that’s inside of me, I’ve got all I want, I’ve got all I need, just to be alive. Just to be. My love is alive, it’s alive, it’s alive My...
Intermediate English Listening from Hi, my name is Mike, I'm from Canada and I'm talking about my first job. My first job when I was fifteen years old and I was working for...
Using the Highlighters or manually entering words, you can create your own vocabulary list. Within the document select and highlight any words that you wish to use. Now click on the Vocabulary icon....