Hi, I'm Doctor Mark Halstrom, I'm a family physician at Williams Integracare Clinic. Chest pain is something that obviously is near and dear to our hearts for many reasons. Our heart...



If you've had gastric surgery or part of your stomach removed and you're having the symptoms of dumping syndrome such as diarrhea, flushing, or dizziness it's important to...
So for the most part gallstones are completely asymptomatic and do not cause any problems. The only time they cause problems is if those gallstones leave the gallbladder and get stuck within the duct...



Now the last word we learn in this series about our body part is "stomach" "du zi". The word I'm talking about for "stomach" is not the...



Popular Striae Gravidarum Treatment Striae gravidarum or being pregnant stretch marks, is a sort of scarring of the surface of the abdominal due to unexpected weight obtain during pregnancy. These...



My name's Doctor Lisa Ganjhu. I'm a Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist. So I manage diseases of the digestive tract and the liver. I just love talking to people about food and diet...
Digestive disorders are basically diseased states of the organs that are involved with digestion. So that includes your mouth, your esophagus, your stomach, your small bowel, and your large bowel,...
So diarrhea in infants and children can be kind of dangerous because the little ones really can't tell you how dehydrated they are and they really can't tell you what's...
Alright, so there are a lot of different ways that you can treat GERD, or acid reflux. Lifestyle changes are probably the easiest thing that you can do on your own. So, if you do have acid reflux,...
Endoscopy is where we examine the upper digestive tract with a flexible tube that's passed from the mouth, into the esophagus, the stomach, and the small bowel. This flexible tube basically...