Hi! I'm Pete Bellessis and I'm an art teacher. I'm representing expertvillage.com today and today's lesson is drawing; more specifically, still life. Even more...
these things are a brilliant source of soft directional light, you can use them for all sorts of photography such as still life's, or portraits or whatever, i'm gonna hopefully...
Southern California is home to the largest community of Koreans outside of Korea. One of the best-known Korean-Americans in the state is best-selling author and artist Helie Lee. Our Hwang Ji-hye ,...
Hi this is Julia Karch for Expert Village.com. In this video series we will be talking about still life drawing for beginners. In this section, we are talking about variations in lines and that...
Hi this is Julia Karch for Expert Village.com. In this video series we will be talking about still life drawing for beginners. Okay, in this section we are going to look at how you achieve volume...
Southern California is home to the largest community of Koreans outside of Korea. One of the best-known Korean-Americans in the state is bestselling author and artist Helie Lee, and our Hwang Ji-hye ,...
Attention passengers to Chongming Island. The World ferry service, from Fengjie along the Yangtze River, will dock shortly. Collect your baggage and prepare for arrival. What do you desire? Fantasy!...
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