no, what the truck? because I hit a truck. Oh tactical rolls, oh oh, ohh, they see me rolling, they hating, ohhhhhh, oh man this is getting intense, oh my gosh, oh look at all the coins, oh my gosh...
good afternoon everybody david shuster here and take action is speaking about taking action in the wake of the newtown connecticut massacre a lot of folks across the country having a very vigorous...
last night president obama headlined a fund raiser in greenwich connecticut for heart attacks one country and he lamented getting so little respect for all of these measure complex why financial...
Hello everyone, and welcome to the behind the scenes for "Minecraft on xbox360 with HomeHacker2" series. Today we'll be look in a little more detail toward how the production...



as you look at all the different ways to make money online what do you think they need to survive the answers is traffic they need lots of people looking at their opportunities it doesn't...
Eleonora Zouganeli Kostas Leivadas Your persistence There is something that I really love in you something that know how to get deep inside me my love it`s your persistence a love that learned not to...
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Hi everyone. Here's a really interesting game, it's called Total Recoil and effectively it's a kind of army game where you move around and it's like bullet storm hell...



welcome back to take action is everybody david shuster here so glad to have you with us both and we act radio also watching and take action is not thomas' our segment will reap give somebody...
are you reading your hair but uh... redneck working now i've gone through some of my stuff that i found some uh... pressure colored and uh... assault on the hamill so i think in is a wet so...