Hello, this is Scott and this is the Hyper Report. This video is sponsored by Peak Resources Dot Org. Here are quotes for various items for today. First... Bargain Buying Quite a number of investors...
Because of this initiative, the state abandoned me. Whether if this is true no one knows, there is no official opinion from the government about this case. The fact is, he is still not allowed to see...
XWelcome to Part 5 of our series on the common fallacies committed by both the religious and the pro-government. This week, we look at the Argument from Incredulity, also known as the Argument from...
This is David Gay. I gave a speech at Liberty Fest in NYC on Saturday, about the relationship between liberty and virtue, and it hasn't been uploaded to YouTube yet, so I figured I'd...
Welcome to the third video in our series on the common fallacies that both atheists and libertarians run into while debating their opponents. This week, it's a pretty insidious and persistent...
The production of this film became possible due to the pluralism and intellectual freedom existing on Chile Democratic diversity that allows the diffusion of various historic interpretations deriving...
Hi, everybody. My name Stefan Molyneux, and I'm the host of Freedomain Radio, which is the largest philosophy show in the world. As we are in the closing few days of the trial of George...
Hello, hello, everybody. Stefan Molyneux from Freedomain Radio. Oh, it's December 31st 2012. I hope you're doing well. This is going to be a show on why men don't want to get...
I swear I'll escape, my dear. May God not leave us to their hands. What can I do ? There are men (police) everywhere, but not this much wildness or brutality. Politics means the administration...