Oh, thank you, Dr. Harper. And remember, no more rough sex. (chuckles) Oh, Dr. Harper, you're terrible. (laughing) Okay. Bye-bye. (chuckles) I wish I was kidding; the woman's a freak....
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Okay, so we want to teach our dog to stop and wait and not follow us. If I don't say anything and I start walking, she's going to follow me, as you can see. And if I just walk around,...



Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming to the podium, Michael Lopp. Thank you. Alright. Can I close this one here? Okay. Good. Because that always bugs me. Hi everybody. Can you hear me in...
The Red Stables Have you ever been to the playground in St Anne’s Park? If you have, you probably passed by some beautiful red buildings near the entrance of St Anne’s Park off Mount Prospect Avenue...
If your horse is extremely sensitive back there, there is another method on getting on that might be more well suited for him. Still using the mounting block as this is one of the least stressful ways...



Hi, this is Mara Keith-Hunter for Expert Village. Today I would be talking about how to tack up a horse. Next we are going to put the saddle on. It is important to make sure first to move the horse...



Melanie Smith-Taylor: But I don't think we realize what's most important to a horse. And that's how we handle them, how we respect them, how we share that, take ownership of...
When putting the saddle on, you begin by putting your basic pad first. The saddle pads should come right up onto their whithers with the slot for the girth just behind their forearm. Then...