
[music] [music] [music] The event today is all about SEO Next and our launch at The Sharp Project, we've been in here since the first of January and we're just looking to bring as much...
hey guys I'm also what's in your favors I every day you'll see a kid favors either forget you look good favorite hipster 100,200 Add hipster olympics Not Enough Data Add...
Who are you, and why are you coming up to me with a microphone and a recorder? We're just using pickup lines. That's all. But you're not even introducing yourself -My name is...
[MUSIC PLAYING] -Show some love! -Happy holidays. How you doing sir? -How you doing? -I'm doing. Happy holidays, sir. -Hey! -Happy holidays. -Why's that? -Just spreading the love, you...
[Script Info] ; Script generated by Aegisub 2.1.7 ; https://www.aegisub.net Title: Default Aegisub file ScriptType: v4.00+ WrapStyle: 0 PlayResX: 640 PlayResY: 480 ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes Video...



Welcome to Spread the Love! We are here at Park Street Collegiate Institute in Orillia and we're going to see a production of one of my plays, Floating on a Don't Care Cloud, and that...
Hey over here, over here! I've marooned myself on this island, just for you, as great theming for this week's Spread the Love. This week we've got a ship, a shipwreck, a storm...
1. Would you rather... Live one 1,000-year life? Or live ten 100-year lives? 2. Would you rather... Have hiccups for the rest of your life? Or feel like you need to sneeze and not be able to for the...
What makes an ordinary day something incredible? What makes an average person say they’re indestructible? How does a hero find their special sign? When is normal part of the design? Your on your way...
I'll call you right back. No. Mom, I'll call you right back. I'm right in the middle of something. I promise, I'll call you right back, ok? Bye. Welcome to this...