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Hey this is Arty and you're tuned into DJ TechTools FL Studio first, I always worked with this crazy sequencer. I really like it, it's really simple and it's really easy to get...
I visited Bishan village for the first time in 2007 ... ... and then after that I visited often. And last month I moved my home from Beijing to Bishan totally to settle down there from this year. It...
BEHIND-THE-SCENES: VISUAL AND AUDIO DESIGN The Dominion map looks fantastic. It’s by far and away the best map we’ve ever made. The entire map feels alive; things are moving. All the capture points...
alright pays cared as promised him another song to north korea this monday i'm gonna be releasing a song i called when the rain i saw this on but i started reading about a year ago after i...
yes kunin announcement and a question for it the announcement good news about like that my ass in the recording studio and rainy south korea scandalous wednesday profit worry first and it's...
needed will be an immediate liberal which he happy fall fault so how's it going just refer to the sun uh... account for it all seems not semester rape long time ago right after my...
there are always those things that i them and let the movie industry was going strutting second thank you for all the best responses to my question of the m_f_s_ video and uh... mister wondered why...
cardiac but a while a couple months it's edited video you know it's cuts lacking here is a busy month in august trust me so anyway themselves for it this uh... this month and little...