Hi. It's Mr. Andersen and welcome to AP Biology Lab 10. This is on the physiology of the circulatory system. It has two parts to it. The first thing we're going to do is we're...
Oh shoot! get your nets ready It's about to go down Everybody in the place hit the deck But stay on your motherflippin' toes We running this, let's go I'm in a...
The work that I am working on, and some other people are working on is looking at the effects plants had on the evolution of rivers. So in the Cambrian, before the evolution of plants most rivers were...



So we're shifting gears today. We're going to talk about molecular evolution, i.e. how do we understand how species evolve, how do we understand a lot about ourselves, how human...
I clearly that that and one if the firm stance on this is the the latest version of they're very popular that book this is their standardized cooperation of the nepad it is just as you would...



This is a response to Other4815's video, 'Atheism and Evolution.' In it you say you're going to explain why no Christian can accept evolution andy why evolution and...
[Ray Comfort] Well I don’t believe Evolution is a viable science, I think it’s a theory of man. [Thunderf00t (In Clip)] Theories are what... No, theories are descriptive elements of science. [Ray...
Hi. In this, video we'll touch on a few basics of evolution. We'll talk about the mechanism of evolution, that some sort of variation exists, that it is heritable, and that the...



Hello and welcome back to introduction to Genetics and Evolution. In the previous set of videos we talked about testing for whether populations fit the assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium....



The first time I ever wrote a song about biology was when I was a post-doc. So I was post-docking in a rather large lab and it seemed like somebody was always leaving. And so my advisor was throwing...

