Now we're going to talk about a few household techniques and products you can use to create fake blood. In addition to using chocolate sauce and food coloring, you can also use karo syrup and...
I'm going to add some Ben Nye stage blood now. I like this blood because you can put it in your mouth. You can also make homemade blood if you like, that you can eat. So, basically, I am just...
OK, I film 2 seconds to see how it works And then put it on the computer to check OK, hi ! I'm just arriving from the street, my street actually, where I just saw something, hum How can I say...
Welcome to the Learn Special Effects Makeup. In todays lesson, you will lean how to make an open wound using Sculpt Gel. If you like to video, and would like more, you can check out our webpage...
I am going to show you how to cover a tattoo. The first step is obviously always clean the skin. I am going to take a little bit of alcohol and I am just going to rub it over the tattoo that I want to...
what I was thinking? If we could gather all the energy expended in just one square dance, we could send that meteor back to where it came from. Well, our very first shot in the movie was a location...
We're going to begin a zombie makeup application. There are several different types of zombie, but we're going to be doing the flesh falling off the face zombie. These are simple...
And now I'm going to take the wax and the palate knife, you can use a butter knife or whatever you have at home, and I'm going to scrape out some wax. Now, the wax is easier to work...
Now, I'm going to show you how to make the deep bruising. First, I'm going to take a little bit of yellow that I have in this palette, and I'm going to surround the whole...
I'm going to teach you now how to create fake cuts. The first thing is we're going to clean the area where we're going to put the cut. So, I'm just going to take a...