Alright, hello and welcome to another another tutorial. This one will be about weapons and shields. Okay, so, what we're going to do, I assume you've already seen my other weapon...
[Coulter]: Between 0 and 10 kilometers on this axis and then what it's doing is every 10 seconds you're seeing the profile from the surface up to 10 kilometers. And it'll...
LET'EM BREATHE SPACE! by Lester del Rey Five months out from Earth, we were half-way to Saturn and three-quarters of the way to murder. At least, I was. I was sick of the feuding, the worries...



[ALARMS] Right. Er... This is our starship in a caravan simulator. -- Jump authorisation code 12345! -- Up here? It takes you on a simulation flight and weapons training, but it all goes horribly...



Hello everyone and welcome to the Space Engineers multiplayer to join a game select join world in the main menu and select a world you can save the world at anytime a copy of the world will be saved...
Bye, then. Lovely meeting you. Sorry about the mess! Whoa! You think I'd just let you leave without me, huh? After what we've just been through? Yeah, but you've got the...
Scenic kisses strategy based companies reputation is impeccable and for more than twenty years defeat of the great outstanding alot experiences strapless we expect the best of everything let's...
Smith: Looks like it was caused by-- I don't know, an animal or something. Look at the damage to the soft tissue, the massive abrasions. Corpse-cicle. Justin: I'm scanning for life...
Hello! My name is André Kuipers I am an astronaut for the European Space Agency Together with Russia, America, Japan and Canada, we all joined the ISS. The International Space Station. That means...