The former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon has died at the age of 85 - eight years after a severe stroke left him in a persistent vegetative state. Despite being unconscious for the past eight...
This is an 18 month old lion named Michael found hanged to death in his cage. He was suspended from the roof with steel wire. According to officials at the Surabaya Zoo in Indonesia the hanging was an...
Spray Tan Colorado you can reach us online at spray tan work feel free to call us at 719 358 3614 or to schedule an appointment today Bronze Biologic Tan is a...
You might remember that back in November we made a video about Canada's oil sands, what is known as tar sands in environmental circles. For those of you who need a recap, oil sands is the name...
On the 12th December a United States drone mistakenly fired on a convoy of vehicles travelling to a wedding party in the Yemeni town of Radda, killing as many as 17 people and injuring around 21...
Hello and welcome to a product overview with Today, we're going to be talking about a classic dog chew, the cow ear. The cow ear is a great, low fat, long-lasting...
"The great masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small lie." If your government wants to start a war with some other country then it's going to need to...
They changed the face of the war in Syria. They're in control of the Anbar province in Iraq and Amnesty International state they've committed serious human rights abuses including some...
"I still believe it was right to remove Sudan. If we'd backed off and we'd left them in power you just imagine what is happening in Syria now, if you'd left Sudan in...
Ukraine's looking more and more like a war zone. There have been a few videos released of security forces firing guns and sniper rifles at protesters... none show it more clearly than this...