Sorry the shit quality

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So this is how it goes it doesn't work at all Should I give up the music too cause music is all I got ? However hard I try I'm always unsatisfied I tried to send out a message but my...
So, Monster Energy Drinks. I would rather choke down a warm mug of cat piss seasoned with an entire shaker of salt sucked through a straw green onion than even attempt to drink this garbage. Folks, I...
Hello everyone, welcome to a GreyFoxIndy tutorial video On the Nightmare Train level that a lot of people have problems with in Tekken 6 I will be showing you how to do this on the Hard difficulty,...
hey guys.. well i got bad news, my dad's T/A is rusting under his ass and the Transmission is broken, it has first and second gear and the rear end is also broken too it was making noises as...
>> Shit JOsh What the f**k shit i'm really, really, really [laughter] ya'll ya'll I'm sorry Shit i can't get out of my boot I'm sorry...