Established in 1998 ACTECH is a steel fabricator primarily serving the aggregates mining and recycling industries. If you are looking for a product not covered in ACTECH's extensive product...
Did you know that cork can absorb oil and hydrocarbons without absorbing water? Based on this characteristic, Corticeira Amorim has developed an absorbent which is eco-friendly and can help clean up...
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Hi, I'm Stephen Monet, Manager of Environmental Planning Initiatives with the City of Greater Sudbury and this is EarthCare Minute. In the winter time, we often depend on road salt to provide...



Madam please help yourself with water over there is this water safe clean and pure yes madam may i help you do you know where this plastic bottle was yesterday or the day before no madam this might be...
Hi, I'm Stephen Monet, Manager of Environmental Planning Initiatives with the City of Greater Sudbury and this EarthCare Minute. We must all be mindful of idling. The main by product of idling...
Hi, I'm Stephen Monet, Manager of Environmental Planning Initiatives with the City of Greater Sudbury, and this is EarthCare Minute. Eating local food reduces pollution and greenhouse gas...
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