This CCTV footage is making headlines: a little boy in Brazil seemingly run over by a car — but he seems unfazed. We want to warn you, this is a little shocking to watch. "A speeding car...
Like chunks of amber frozen in time and buried beneath millennia, we’ve dug up some controversy with our take on Jurassic Park: The Game. Over the last few weeks, we’ve gone over each episode...



Hey, how’s it going Undertow? I love video games and I also love music. But surprisingly enough, I’m not like a huge guitar hero, rock band fan. Maybe that’s not all that surprisingly really, but I...



Well hello undertoads and those of you who are Mortal Kombat fans, I mean, I know you love stuff like this, cause I sure do. I'm going to go over my top 10 fatalities in the newest Mortal...
Need You Now (Glee Cast) Picture perfect memories Scattered all around the floor Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore And I wonder if I Ever cross your mind For me it...



Car companies love the show off the various awards they receive from important sounding organizations. None of which anyone in the real world has ever heard of. So Mitsubishi decided to go after some...
You hear a lot about Elevator Action, and justly so. It was an arcade classic. But you hear a lot less about this version. And that’s kind of unfortunate, because as great as the original is,...
announced twelve in in sixth grade or eleven nabs eleven sixty anyway i certainly don't love letter to zack draws fill up the doctor now cc izak does not consent letter but um... i...
...obvious? He was a punk, she did ballet. What more can I say? He wanted her. She'd never tell. Secretly she wanted him as well. But all of her friends stuck up their nose they had a problem...

